The popularity that the health and fitness niche has reached online is unprecedented. In fact, it’s only been growing recently and hasn’t shown any signs of stopping.
If you’re looking for the best health and fitness blogs that will help you to learn some simple tips and tricks about great diets and workout programs, then you’re in the right place. What’s more, if you’re looking to become a health and fitness blogger, then you should definitely read on.
In this piece, we’ve included a sizable selection of the best representatives of the health and fitness niche. We firmly believe that these blogs are strong examples of stunning designs and stellar content. Take a closer look at them and learn about what makes these blogs popular so you can build a blog too.
34 best health and fitness blogs
Choosing the content creators worthy of our recommendation wasn’t easy. This is because, even though the niche is filled to the brim with blogs, most of them aren’t great examples of the industry. However, we’ve managed to find a total of 34 health and fitness blogs, all of which have something amazing to offer in terms of design, content quality, and much more.
Let’s begin!
1. Mark’s Daily Apple

Mark’s Daily Apple is one of the best health and fitness blog examples on the web, as it has all of the right ingredients for a great site. The design is simple, yet original and visually pleasing. This site effectively presents everything that Mark is about, and its aim is to empower people to live a healthier, more fitness-driven life. The quality of the content it provides is just amazing.
Main topics covered: health, fitness, primal lifestyle, keto, recipes
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: products, ads
The most popular post: Fasting Versus Carb Restriction: Which Works Better for What Scenarios
Instagram account: @marksdailyapple
2. Keep It Simpelle

Keep It Simpelle is a gorgeous, modern blog that definitely deserves a spot on this list just for the way it’s designed. However, the stunning design is only part of the picture. The blog also has amazing content in terms of blog posts and resources that will help you prepare for a race and lead an overall healthier lifestyle.
Main topics covered: fitness, cycling, food, health, running, travel, lifestyle
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: personal training, on-demand workouts
The most popular post: What To Put In Your Velopac Ridepac
Instagram account: @ellelinton
3. Born Fitness

Born Fitness is a sleek and modern website with an attractive and colorful design. The font and images are all designed to pop and stand out in a way that practically forces you to learn about a healthy lifestyle! Also, the content, and especially the recipes, is astonishing.
Main topics covered: fitness, wellness, nutrition, recipes
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: podcast, coaching
The most popular post: Taco Salad
Instagram account: @bornfitness
4. Carrots ‘N’ Cake

Made for women who want to become fit and healthy, this site offers 1-on-1 coaching. It also provides new content in the form of blog posts and podcasts from which you can gain fresh insights. We love the modern design, and we’re positive you will too.
Main topics covered: nutrition, fitness, meal plans, weight loss
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: coaching, programs, podcast
The most popular post: How Much Is Too Much Exercise?
Instagram account: @carrotsncake
5. Breaking Muscle

Breaking Muscle is an amazing blog for all men who want to get incredibly fit — to “break a muscle,” that is. We believe that it’s a great example of how these types of bodybuilding blogs should look, as it certainly advocates fitness and spending hours at the gym. It also has a lot of useful content — from blog posts about training to ebooks.
Main topics covered: fitness, bodybuilding, healthy eating
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: coaching, ebooks, training equipment, ads
The most popular post: Understanding Maximum Heart Rate
Instagram account: @breakingmuscle
6. Advanced Human Performance

Advanced Human Performance is a detailed site that deals with everything fitness-related. The blog you’ll find there is on a whole new level. It’s simple, yet filled with high-quality content you’ll rarely find anywhere else. It has received Healthline’s award for the best blog tagline for the fitness niche in 2019 and 2020, and we are positive they’ll get the award again in 2021.
Main topics covered: fitness, training programs
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: personal training, online training
The most popular post: Stop Doing Sissy Squats: 2 Superior Alternatives
Instagram account: @dr.joelseedman_ahp
7. The Fitnessista

If you’re looking to stay fit and healthy without losing your sense of style, then the Fitnessista blog is the right place for you. It’s a well-designed health and fitness blog run by Gina Harney, one of the leading health and fitness bloggers in the industry. You’re bound to love the amount of awesome content, as well as the delicious healthy recipes for all tastes.
Main topics covered: fitness, healthy living, recipes
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: books, podcast, sponsorships
The most popular post: Focus On: the Peloton App
Instagram account: @fitnessista
8. Father Fitness

A notable UK health and fitness site, Father Fitness is a content-rich blog that’s definitely interesting to fitness enthusiasts but also for beginners looking to get fit and healthy. The design is a bit old-school, but we love how organized everything is. The number of awards the blog has received is also quite impressive.
Main topics covered: fitness, exercise, muscle-building, nutrition, weight loss
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: partnerships
The most popular post: Why You Should Start Living a More Active Lifestyle
Instagram account: @fatherfitness
9. Blogilates

Blogilates is a perfect example of a well-designed blog in the health and fitness niche. It’s primarily aimed at women interested in pilates, but it also offers a massive amount of quality content about healthy recipes, weight loss, muscle workouts, and so much more. It’s run by Cassey Ho, a massively influential figure in the health industry.
Main topics covered: health, fitness, body image, recipes
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: clothing, meal plans
The most popular post: The Perfect Paleo Banana Bread Recipe
Instagram account: @blogilates
10. Tony Gentilcore

Tony is the co-founder of Cressey Sports Performance, but he has also created this site that’s primarily a blog as well as a place where he can sell his products and services. The blog uses a minimalist design with a strong color palette. The emphasis is on content and understanding what Tony has to offer. It’s certainly a great example of a powerful health and fitness blog.
Main topics covered: fitness, muscle workouts, healthy living
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: personal training, affiliates
The most popular post: Exercise You Should Be Doing: Kickstand RDL W/ Banded Accentuated Eccentric
Instagram account: @tonygentilcore
11. The Balanced Life

The Balanced Life is a full-on health and wellness website where you’ll learn a lot of useful information while also getting help with fitness and healthy living. However, the blog section, which is the core of the Balanced Life sisterhood, is where you’ll find most of what you need.
Main topics covered: workouts, pilates, healthy living
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: programs, podcast
The most popular post: Side Plank for Beginners
Instagram account: @thebalancedlife
12. Fit Men Cook

Do you think healthy eating is bland and boring? If that’s the case, then you’ve certainly never seen the FMC blog. This well-designed health and fitness website offers a massive number of delicious yet incredibly healthy recipes that everyone should try. Kevin Curry is the blog owner, and we believe his recipes can change the way you look at food.
Main topics covered: healthy food, recipes, fitness, travel
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: book, app
The most popular post: 5 Four-Ingredient Smoothie Recipes
Instagram account: @fitmencook
13. Knocked-Up Fitness

The Knocked-Up Fitness blog is the best place for women to learn how to stay healthy and fit while pregnant. The design is simple yet attractive, and emphasis has been placed on the content that’s been carefully curated to fit every pregnant woman’s needs.
Main topics covered: fitness, healthy eating, prenatal instructions
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: membership and programs
The most popular post: Pregnancy Back Pain Relief Exercise
Instagram account: @knockedupfitness
14. Ben Greenfield Fitness

Ben Greenfield is a former bodybuilder and triathlete, and now he is sharing his experience on this blog. He is also a modern exercise physiologist and a coach, so you’ll be able to find quite a diverse range of content on his website.
Main topics covered: healthy eating, fitness, workouts
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: books, coaching, supplements
The most popular post: The 19 Best Full-Body Workouts Ben Greenfield Uses for His Year-Round Exercise Routine
Instagram account: @bengreenfieldfitness
15. Get Healthy U

Get Healthy U is a well-designed fitness blog geared towards aging women with an ample amount of content covering all aspects of wellness. We also love how well organized the varied posts are on this leading health and fitness blog. You can find what you need by filtering the type of workout you want and how lengthy you need it to be.
Main topics covered: workouts, fitness, healthy eating, recipes, lifestyle
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: membership
The most popular post: The 3 Metabolic Body Types Explained
Instagram account: @chrisfreytag
16. DIY Active

The blog’s name says it all — it’s designed to offer DIY exercise solutions that everyone can use at home. If you’re busy, but you value the importance of health and fitness, then this blog is definitely for you. It’s brimming with quality content and doesn’t trouble itself with fancy web design because it knows minimalism is perfection.
Main topics covered: DIY workouts, fitness, healthy eating, recipes
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: workout program, ads
The most popular post: Beginner Yoga for a Strong Core and Flat Belly
Instagram account: @diyactive
17. Hip and Healthy

If you want to learn how to design a health and fitness blog that also deals with beauty and lifestyle, then Hip and Healthy can be a powerful inspiration. That’s because the site is not only content-rich but also uses some incredible design elements and features. Overall, it’s very stylish and informative, and we are sure you’ll have a memorable visit.
Main topics covered: recipes, fitness, health, beauty, lifestyle, travel
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: partnerships
The most popular post: Could Your Persistent Tummy Troubles or Period Pain Be a Sign of Endometriosis?
Instagram account: @hipandhealthy
18. Powercakes

The goal of Powercakes is to empower and inspire readers to always choose healthy options and create fitness goals. It does it all with a fun, quirky design and amazing content. This blog offers workouts, healthy eating advice, recipes, and much more.
Main topics covered: fitness, recipes, product reviews, workout tips, lifestyle
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: programs, partnerships, ads
The most popular post: DIY Soy Candles with Now Foods Essential Oils
Instagram account: @powercakes
19. Muscle and Fitness

When it comes to working out, it’s hard to find a lot of diverse information in one place, which is why it’s great that Muscle and Fitness offers precisely that. The amount of content on this blog is astonishing, and what’s more, the site is not only for men, even though that might be the first impression.
Main topics covered: workouts, nutrition, athlete stories
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: ads, partnerships
The most popular post: The Next Wave of Female Bodybuilders
Instagram account: @muscleandfitness
20. Muscle Evo

Muscle Evo is a great example of a modern health and fitness blog that’s designed to give you real, science-backed advice for a healthier lifestyle. It deals with a wide range of topics, and we love how professional it looks and feels. It’s definitely a blog to take inspiration from or simply follow to learn useful tips.
Main topics covered: health, fitness, science-backed advice, muscle building, weight loss
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: training programs, books
The most popular post: A Simple 3-Day Full-Body Workout Routine
Instagram account: @christianfinn
21. 12 Minute Athlete

The owner of 12 Minute Athlete is Krista, and her entire website is designed to help you with her unique and effective workout regimen. If you’re interested in high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and functional fitness, this is definitely a perfect blog for you. But it’s also important to note that the site features a great design that can offer ideas for your own fitness blog.
Main topics covered: workouts, fitness, motivation, mindset, training
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: books, products, app
The most popular post: Staying Motivated to Work Out During a Pandemic
Instagram account: @12minuteathlete
22. The Art of Healthy Living

This blog is run by Becky Stafferton, who is a regular mom and a health enthusiast. However, her enthusiasm runs so deep, which is clearly evidenced by the amount and quality of content on her blog. Make sure to check it out, as you don’t want to miss this one!
Main topics covered: food, recipes, fitness, health, wellbeing, beauty, reviews
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: affiliates
The most popular post: What Not to Do If You Want Someone to Stop Smoking
Instagram account: @arthealthyliving
23. Well+Good

Well+Good is a great example of an ultra-modern blog in the health and fitness niche. The design is astonishing, but more importantly, the blog is filled with quality content. New posts about the latest health and fitness trends, recipes, and more, are published daily, so you’ll have plenty of reading material to enjoy.
Main topics covered: skincare tips, food, holistic treatments, fitness, relationship tips
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: cookbook, ads, beauty products
The most popular post: The ‘5-a-Day’ Food Formula for Longevity, Developed by Harvard Researchers
Instagram account: @iamwellandgood
24. Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill is a fitness and health blog run by a high-performance coach and expert with the same name. She wants to help women get into the best possible shape for their age, all in order to live a healthier and happier life. She is especially focused on age and knows what you need to do if age is a challenge to your fitness goals.
Main topics covered: health, fitness, workouts, training, meals
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: coaching, meal delivery, partnerships
The most popular post: It’s Not Too Late
Instagram account: @nataliejillfit
25. Comeback Momma

Comeback Momma is a well-built health and fitness blog with a soothing design that you’ll definitely enjoy. It covers a wide range of topics surrounding health, fitness, and other topics like self-care, family, and travel. You’ll find a number of interesting posts that will appeal to you, even if you’re not a mom with several kids.
Main topics covered: health, food, fitness, family, travel
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: ads, partnerships
The most popular post: 20 Amazing Almond Milk Ice Cream Recipes
Instagram account: @comeback.momma
26. A Foodie Stays Fit

A Foodie Stays Fit is a notable example of a good health and fitness blog, partially because of its modern and sleek design but mostly due to its content. The blog is filled with posts about health, fashion, fitness, and much more.
Main topics covered: health, recipes, running, fashion, beauty
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: programs, ads
The most popular post: Do AirPods Actually Work for Running? A Marathoner Runner Shares
Instagram account: @afoodiestaysfit
27. Run Eat Repeat

If you’re looking for a good example of a minimalistic health and fitness blog that also has great content and quality design, then Run Eat Repeat is a site that you need to visit. It deals with fitness and health, focusing on recipes and running, and it also features an interesting podcast.
Main topics covered: fitness, running, recipes
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: ads, podcast, training plans, running gear
The most popular post: 100 Miles Tracker Printable
Instagram account: @runeatrepeat
28. The Workout Mama

Workout Mama is owned and run by a personal trainer and nutrition coach who also happens to be a mom of four children. It would only make sense that such a successful woman runs such a successful blog. Her webpage is filled with incredibly insightful posts about workouts, recipes, fitness after pregnancy, and more.
Main topics covered: workouts, recipes, family
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: ads
The most popular post: Total Conditioning Xtreme Workout
Instagram account: @theworkoutmama
29. Elly McGuiness

Elly McGuiness is a health and fitness coach. She also offers a stellar blog with many useful posts about health, fitness, and lifestyle. Elly’s goal is to help women live a better and healthier life, and she accomplishes that with this amazing health and fitness blog.
Main topics covered: health, foods, fitness, motivation, weight loss
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: ads, coaching
The most popular post: Fitness Trends 2021: What’s In, Out, and Exploding in Popularity
Instagram account: @ellymcguinness
30. Avocadu

Avocadu is operated by two healthy living self-proclaimed nut jobs who met on a Tinder date. This cute story has resulted in an amazing blog that deals with everything fitness and health-related. It’s a blog worth checking out if you want to learn about great design and gain many incredibly useful pieces of advice about healthy living.
Main topics covered: weight loss, yoga, healthy living, recipes, supplements
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: programs, ebooks
The most popular post: Can Losing Sleep or Stressing Out Cause Insulin Resistance?
Instagram account: @avocadu_
31. Eleat Sports Nutrition

Eleat Sports Nutrition is a health and fitness blog targeted at athletes, but it can also be extremely useful for people looking to lead a healthy lifestyle. It’s well designed and has many insightful blog posts that will interest anyone wanting to learn more about health.
Main topics covered: nutrition, recipes
Built with: Squarespace
The main source of income: programs, personal training
The most popular post: Cold Weather Wellness: Staying Healthy All Winter Long with Florida
Instagram account: @eleatnutrition
32. Tone It Up

Tone It Up is a joint venture operated by Karena Dawn and Katrina Scott, two fitness trainers. Their website is not just a blog, but a big community for women interested in fitness and looking for inspiration and motivation to get healthier and fitter. If the high quality of the content weren’t enough, the design of the site is also practically flawless and mesmerizingly beautiful.
Main topics covered: nutrition, fitness
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: products, app
The most popular post: Shake Up Your Post-Workout Routine
Instagram account: @toneitup
33. Kayla Itsines

Kayla Itsines is a personal fitness trainer from Australia and a global health and fitness sensation. She is incredibly influential and well-established, and her stories and blog posts can offer a lot of useful advice. Plus, the site itself is just amazing design-wise.
Main topics covered: exercises, lifestyle, recipes, transformations
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: ebooks
The most popular post: Exercise During Your Period: The Facts
Instagram account: @sweat
34. Zanna Van Dijk

The blog owner, Zanna Van Dijk, is a personal trainer and founder of a successful swimwear brand. Now, with her blogs and vlogs, she has also managed to reach the wide masses throughout the world. The incredible design of her website is another important reason for her blog’s success.
Main topics covered: health, fitness, lifestyle, travel
Built with: WordPress
The main source of income: products, ebooks, tours, swimwear
The most popular post: 5 Lessons I Have Learnt on my Fitness Journey
Instagram account: @zannavandijk
So, there you have it — 34 incredible examples of health and fitness blogs. Many of them are run by talented content creators, and we are positive that these websites will offer you a lot of useful material and show you how a great blog in this niche could look.
Regardless of whether you’re just looking for good health and fitness content or you want to become a blogger in this niche, these blogs will be of great use to you.