December 2021

The Apache Log4j exploit and how to protect your cPanel server

On Friday, December 10, 2021, a vulnerability for Log4j was announced in CVE-2021-44228. Log4j is developed by the Apache Foundation and is widely used by both enterprise apps and cloud services. It was reported by Alibaba Cloud’s security team to Apache on November 24. They also revealed that CVE-2021-44228 impacts default configurations of multiple Apache frameworks, including Apache Struts2, Apache Solr, Apache Druid,

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30+ Key Internet of Things (IoT) Statistics For 2021

The Internet of Things (IoT) is making quantum leaps towards the future. The industry is rapidly expanding as the markets’ needs grow beyond our wildest estimations and forecasts. Powered by the latest sensors, cutting-edge software, big data, AI (artificial intelligence), and ML (machine learning), IoT will continue to develop. IoT also plays a vital role

30+ Key Internet of Things (IoT) Statistics For 2021 Read More »

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